Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2581 - Year : 2010

Innovative sea wind turbine concept development

Romain LUQUET, DGA Techniques hydrodynamiques
David BELLEVRE, DGA Techniques hydrodynamiques
Didier FRECHOU, DGA Techniques hydrodynamiques
Paul GUINARD, Guinard energies


Guinard Energies is investigating, within the framework of MegaWattForce Project, a current turbine design with a ducted rotor. It concerns a sea “wind turbine” that will be used to collect the energy of sea currents. In order to validate the project several questions need to be investigated, through computation and experimentation: efficiency of the ducted rotor allowing the increase of the kinetic energy of the fluid, positioning of the system, improvement of a regulation principle and technical optimization. It is necessary and essential to maximize the delivered power for the economic aspects of WattForce project. This power is, indeed, proportional to the cube of the fluid velocity. It is therefore advantageous to increase water velocity through the turbine disc. In this context, studies have been carried out by DGA Techniques hydrodynamiques on the design of a “ducted turbine-stator-rotor” system enabling the optimization of the delivered power. A first numerical study made it possible to understand the essential parameters of the ducted current turbine design and to define its geometry. A second numerical study supplied a geometry of the rotor specially fitted to the ducted turbine. This system is then tested trough experimental simulations in order to validate the results of the design choices. Some propositions for the improvement of the efficiency are tackled.

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