Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2686 - Year : 2015

A book for passionate people to sea – Curious anatomy of rogue waves

Michel OLAGNON, Ifremer – Centre de Bretagne – Plouzané (France)
Michel HUTHER, Retraité Bureau Veritas – Division Marine – Paris (France)


The publication of a book for the layman, Anatomie curieuse des vagues scélérates, by Michel Olagnon and artist Janette Kerr, offers an opportunity to synthetise knowledge on the topic of rogue waves, and to make known more widely some features of those freak waves that are often kept hidden in scientific papers. The writer of the text and his reviewer discuss here some ill-known kinds of extreme waves in order to increase awareness to coastal risks that correspond to a large majority of wave accidents and fatalities. They present the two competing theories to explain the phenomenon, randomness and modulational instability, none of which could be invalidated from the available results and data as of now. They eventually try to debunk some myths and clichés widely spread out by lack of scientific diligence in the media.

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