Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2556 - Year : 2009

Use of the fire safety engineering for the design of naval ship fire resistant structures

Joëlle GUTIERREZ, DCNS – BU Propulsion – CESMAN
Antoine BREUILLARD, Bureau Veritas – Division Marine – Département Recherche
François JANVIER, STX Europe


This paper presents the fire safety engineering methodology followed in the 3-year French collaborative research project, MP08 Fire performance of composites for shipbuilding, launched in 2006 in order to encourage the use of composites onboard ships. MP08 aims at developing a Fire Safety Engineering methodology compliant with maritime regulations currently in force: SOLAS Convention Chapter II-2, regulation 17 Alternative Design and Arrangements for Fire Safety. The use of FSE in this case is quite a new approach which requires very specific skills and important facilities. The project gathers partners from varied work domains: shipyards, classification society, fire laboratory, colleges of engineering, materials supplier. In this paper, in a first step we present the MP08 project, the regulatory context as well as the application case considered in the project. In a second step, the fire safety engineering methodology is described.

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