Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2527 - Year : 2008

Technical and economical models specific to robotised equipments – Exemplified with UAS

General François LEFAUDEUX (2S), DGA / CGARM


International Autonomous Surface Symposium (ASSS 2008)

This paper presents the synthesis of prospective studies made by CGARM on the future use of UAV systems (UAS) within EU, for global security and civilian purposes. Some technical principles common to all teleoperated equipments will be outlined with their specific risks; Regulation main orientations will be recalled. Market opening for a robot relies on a variety of achievements that will be examined. Highlighting return on investments will promote the need of efficacy in the management of varied obsolescence pattern among robots components. These recommendations will be exemplified with UAS. Some common sense solutions will emerge to deal with those drawbacks; For example, for security missions, large UAS will be operated by Services providers and not directly by the end user. This constitutes an important change from the current Patrimonial economic model practised by Military Forces. The generalized use of UAS will constitute a boost for the European Economy and Europe cannot afford to lag behind more dynamic Countries or Regions on this subject.

This paper is written in English

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