Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2490 - Year : 2007

Pump-propeller POD: a new propulsion concept

Christian GAUDIN, AKER YARDS – St Nazaire (France)
David BELLEVRE, DGA – Val de Reuil (France
Pierre COPEAUX, DGA – Val de Reuil (France


After a period of quick rise in naval industries, the commercial development of tractor pods slowed down due to mechanical problems on bearings which implied expensive dry-dock reparation for shipowner. Nevertheless, the numerous benefits of podded propulsors lead Aker Yards to improve pods by designing a pump-jet pod.This article presents numerical and experimental processes adopted by the “Bassin d’essais des carènes” in order to size, optimize and validate this new concept. Thanks to numerical studies, tunnel and self-propulsion tests, this paper shows the good behaviour of pump-jet pod when dealing with hydrodynamics efficiency, manoeuvrability, loads on pods, cavitations and pressure pulses.

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