Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2662 - Year : 2014

The classification of the biggest LNG carrier with spheres in the world

Philippe CAMBOS, Bureau Veritas
Damien ROCHETTE, Bureau Veritas
Lucas LEON, Bureau Veritas


In 2013, Bureau Veritas has received a request for the classification for a LNG carrier with spheres, of a capacity of 182,000 m3, the largest capacity ever built so far for this type of ships with spheres.

For that purpose, Bureau Veritas has carried out a set of assessment of the ship structure, including:

• Assessment of the scantlings of the tank,

• Full ship analysis with the finite Element method,

• Analysis of ship hull torsion,

• Buckling analysis,

• Fatigue analysis…

The paper presents an overview of these analyses.

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