Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2654 - Year : 2014

Numerical towing tank and generic free model: DCNS invests for the evolution of its sub-marine hydrodynamic design



During the design process of a submarine, it is necessary to freeze the external shape early in the preliminary project. In order to accelerate the conventional hydrodynamic design process based on complex and long towing tank test campaigns, DCNS has decided to invest in a CFD tools panel called “Virtual Towing Tank”.

These CFD tools are about to be complemented by an experimental mean that may be used even during early design phases: an adaptive free-running submarine model called “MAX”. This model aims at identifying quickly manoeuvrability contractual performances of the design, giving access to general behaviour and confirming CFD predictions.

MAX design and manufacturing have been performed by DCNS and its subsidiary DCNS-Research/SIREHNA, which is also in charge of operating the model. Thought for simple and fast operation, MAX is autonomous, able to sail below or above sea surface, and adaptive to DCNS submarines range with a satisfying similitude. The model is currently at qualification stage after encouraging sea functioning trials.

The topic is here to present MAX free-running model and its part in the design process.

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