Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2375 - Year : 2001

The new technologies and the future frigates

C.V. Emmanuel DESCLEVES, ETAT-MAJOR DE LA MARINE - Plates-formes et Logistique Initiale
Laurent LETOT, DGA - Direction des Systèmes de Forces et de la Prospective


The end of this decade will see the beginning of the renewal of a major part of the French surface fleet with of a new class of frigate. It is a major investment actively prepared by the French Navy with deep analysis in which technological development are major considerations that have to be optimally selected and combined. But many of the assumptions that guided planners in the past no longer apply: constrained defense budget, wide range of military scenarios, evolution of the threat and sociologic changes require solutions marking a disruption with current technologies, which have not fundamentally changed since the Second World War. The aim of this paper is to develop different operational requirements and their technological answers, which are currently being investigated by the French Navy. All these issues are considered in term of how they impact the nature of the next French Surface Combatant

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