Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2373 - Year : 2000

A merchant fleet - Louis Dreyfus armateurs (LDA)

G. GOUSSOT, Technical Director – LDA (France)


Symposium ATMA/EURONAVAL: "Rules and Regulations for naval and merchant ships" – Ship operation

In total, as far as the fleet management is concerned, LDA manages 20 ships and 8 barge/cranes. Although LDA has major interests in other ships through subsidiary companies, especially in Brazil, this presentation will focus of the LDA fleet, directly managed from the head office in Paris..

The management of a fleet which is the essence of ships operation encompass three sectors: Personnel, Maintenance and Insurance, which are intrinsically attached to each vessel. "Personnel" is the management of the crew; in this field rules and regulations on an international scale are recent, emerging from accidents which occurred in the early 90's. "Maintenance" means the follow-up of the condition of the vessel, resulting in the supply of stores, spare parts, etc... It implies, basically the relation with the classification society and, to some extent, with the flag authorities. "Insurance" means the subscribing of the necessary covers not only with respect to the ship herself, but also vis a vis third parties including the crew; the environment, etc...

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