Numéro : 2369 - Year : 2000
Efficiency monitoring and maintenance of the Italian navy ships
Contrammiraglio Nicola BERGANTINO, Italian Navy (Italy)
Symposium ATMA/EURONAVAL: "Rules and Regulations for naval and merchant ships" – In-service survey and maintenance
As part of a wide restructuring of the Armed Forces, and in order to increase the effectiveness and decrease the costs of the maintenance and repair of the warships, few years ago the Naval Staff has concentrated under one of its Inspectorates, Navispelog, all the human, technical and financial resources previously divided between various Bodies.
It is a duty of Navispelog (Naval Support Inspectorate) to keep available at all times a naval force "efficient and well balanced in all its components" in accordance with the guidelines published yearly by the Naval Staff.
In the recent years the very concept of "efficiency" when referred to the warship as a single entity has changed: it is no longer the pursuit of nominal performances for all the equipment on board but the assurance instead that all the systems are functionally operational, that is that the warship shall be able to perform a certain task. In this light, the efficiency is related to the mission.
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