Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2708 - Year : 2016

IGC 2016 – new fatigue requirements, crack propagation

Michel HUTHER, ITG (Paris)

Damien LARROUTUROU, GTT (St Remy les Chevreuse - France)

Fabien BIGOT, Simon CLENET, Philippe CAMBOS, Bureau Veritas (Paris - France)

This year 2016, the new IGC becomes in application. Within the new rules, the rules dealing with the fatigue verification of the type B tanks have drawn our attention. The requirement to use the crack propagation for a design with a long term life time in addition to the Miner sum called on. The paper presents these requirements and analyses their application on a typical case. It is so analysed the difficulties and pointed out some lacks in the rules leading to conclude that the crack propagation method as defined in the IGC is not total, and requires the development of a guide for use.


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