Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2366 - Year : 2000

Regulatory overload and mis-regulation focus on operational aspects for European-flagged ferries

Knud PRYTZ, Consultant (Denmark)


Symposium ATMA/EURONAVAL: "Rules and Regulations for naval and merchant ships" – Safety at sea

Being invited to make a presentation on the theme "Safety at sea" on the occasion of the A TMA symposium Euronaval 2000 in Paris Le Bourget, I have been tempted to depart from an interview of Mr. Pattofatto, the MSC-chairman at IMO, published in Lloyd's List on March 6 1998. Mr Pattofatto states that".. .Regulatory overload, and mis-regulation, are here to stay, I am afraid, but this is no reason for not trying to continously improve ourselves through co-operation with others..."

Mr. Pattofatto is not providing another answer to this problem which was lifted at the end of a long interview. I'm sure that Mr. Pattofatto might have other answers if he had had the opportunity to expand this topic in more details.

Addressing the ferry business and therefore focussing on the SOLAS Convention there are, however, to my mind a couple of reasons:

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