Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2364 - Year : 2000

Naval ship design

Mario DE NEGRI, Fincantieri Naval Vessel Business Unit (Italy)


Symposium ATMA/EURONAVAL: "Rules and Regulations for naval and merchant ships" - Design process and regulations

Rand R in shipbuilding have mainly had national origins both for merchant and naval ships.

Shipbuilders' practice, expertise and know-how originated Rules for designing and building merchant vessels: the same were later collected, improved and organised by national classification societies, so creating a term of reference available for owners, both domestic and foreign,

More complex is the development of naval rules, not only for the higher level of technology involved, but also for the direct action of the Navies, which generally took upon themselves the roles of classification societies, surveyors and customers with tight links with shipbuilders (sometimes owned by same Navies).

However the result is still a national collection of Rand R, under direct control of the Navies and - to some extent - confidential.

Ships built by NATO nations for export outside NATO have generally borrowed domestic R and R. Conversely the Rules adopted for merchant ships are to customer's choice, without necessary coincidence between the shipbuilder's country and the classification society's one.

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