Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2316 - Year : 1999

A new generation of seismic prospection ships: le CGG ALIZE

Laurent DOLLON, Responsable du Département Navires de CGG Marine


« CGG Marine » company has begin in April 1999 the exploitation of a new marine sismic acquisition ship. The operational capabilities are on the top in front of the others ships in exploitation or in building. This very ambitious goal is based on various knowledges and technical assets coming mainly from french companies, in front of the technologies developped and proposed by the norvegian operators, suppliers or shipyards, which are leader in volume into this market.

The following paper describes the last evolutions of the marine sismic fleet in the world, to give some indications to understand his technical evolution, and precise the main features which have been used for the conception, the building and the reception of these ship named « CGG ALIZE »

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