Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2313 - Year : 1999

Preliminary design in a modern computerized environment

Philippe GOUBAULT, DCNS (Lorient - France)


Today's ship design involves more and more computerized techniques of all sorts. This paper is aimed at showing the importance of integrating the computer design tools into an organized framework, designed to enable the quick an easy ex change of data between its various components.

The discussion will begin with the use of preliminary design tools in the pre-project phase where major options are decided.

As the project enters a detailed design and calculation phase, a series of specialized design tools are used. An these tools have to be organized into a logical suite, permitting the ex change of data as easily as possible. il may thus become possible to effect a change high up in the hierarchy of the suite and update the entire chain of calculation, assessing the impact along the way- The continuing increase in computing power will soon enable such changes to occur in real time: The era of concurrent engineering win become reality .

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