Numéro : 2306 - Year : 1999
The new THALASSA: the main points of a success
Jacques BINOT, Ifremer
Christian DUGUE, Bassin d'Essais des Carènes
Christian GAUDIN, Alstom Leroux Naval
The Ifremer launched in 1990 the design phase of its new fishery research vessel ; the building order was placed late 1992 to a French shipyard, Leroux et Lotz Naval. Built in Dieppe Thalassa was commissioned in June 1996. The IEO (Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia) bas partially financed this new building and runs two croises on board every year. Thalassa is a sterm trawler, length 73,65 m, width 14,9 m, with a Diesel electric propulsion manufactured by Cegelec. Every effort bas been made to achieve conformity with objective curve for radiated noise required by the Ifrerner : for high frequencies, the peculiar propeller designed by the Bassin d'Essais des Carènes (French Naval Towing Tank) as per heavy and long model tests, is particularly silent at its both optimisation points (acoustic projection at 10 knots and trawling a 5 knots).
Thalassa and her sub-systems are being valorised in France and outside Europe.
The conception team has been awarded the 7th Roger-Brard Price for its remarkable contribution to the progress of marine science and technology .
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