Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2744 - Year : 2019

Ship carbon footprint: eco-design, the federative approach

Léonie ROLLAND, Gaelle ROUSSEAU, - Naval Group - Lorient (France)

Naval Group, as European leader in Naval Defence, is fully conscious of its environmental responsibilities towards marine habitats. For that reason, it takes into account environmental factors from the beginning of all its projects in pursuing a rigorous policy. Since 2008, Naval Group has developed an eco-design approach and receives ISO 14001 certification. First deployed on vessels, the approach spreads slowly on infrastructures and maintenance services. The aim of the eco-design is to help architects to build cleaner vessels, with a lower carbon footprint by proposing more ecofriendly systems, with the respect of international and national regulations and in particular MARPOL from IMO. This is done by studies on specific axes, as energy efficiency, for which Naval Group develops, towards Research & Development, methods and innovative technologies to decrease environmental impact on the vessel life cycle. By implementing eco-design, Naval Group proposes and promotes vessels with high technical performances but also able to preserve environment: Taking into account greenhouse gas legislation, to go through a footprint reduction by mastering energy management on board.


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