Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2780 - Year : 2022

Microstructural evolution of a high-strength steel weld metal as a function of the local thermal cycles

Nicolas JOUSSET, Marine GAUME - Naval Group – Research – Bouguenais (France)

Jean-Loup HEUZE - Ministère des Armées/DGA - BALARD – DGA IP – Paris (France)

Anne-Françoise GOURGUES-LORENZON - Mines Paris, PSL University – Centre des Matériaux UMR CNRS 7633 Evry (France)

High-strength steels are widely used for structural parts experiencing high mechanical loads. These materials offer a good combination of tensile strength and impact toughness. These parts can be joined by multi-pass shielded metal arc welding; the weld metal must have the same mechanical properties as the base metal. The weld metal then undergoes a multitude of thermal cycles during the deposition of all welding passes.

To optimize the mechanical properties, the microstructure formed during welding must be predicted and controlled.

In order to obtain complete and relevant reference data of the microstructures during welding, building of CCT (Continuous Cooling Transformations) diagrams proves to be a valuable predictive tool to understand these complex microstructures formed during welding and their evolution as a function of the thermal cycle.


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