Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2803 - Year : 2024

Versatile method to calculate the answer of onboard equipments to underwater explosions

Jean-François SIGRIST, Expert naval, eye-p – Tours

Daniel BROC, Expert modélisation, DBC – Versailles

Cédric LEBLOND, Expert calcul scientifique, Naval Group – Nantes

Ladya KHOUN, Ingénieur de recherche, Naval Group – Nantes


Calculation of the dynamic response of equipment mounted on submarine hulls to underwater explosions requires the manipulation of a “coupled” model, composed of the equipment and hull immersed in a fluid to represent the physics involved, namely fluid/structure interactions and mechanical interactions between the equipment and the hull. For various industrial applications, it is necessary to describe the response of equipment whose masses and frequencies extend over a wide range. This task can be heavy and tedious when using “coupled” simulations – and can even become out of reach with classical finite element codes. This document offers a versatile method for efficiently and accurately calculating the dynamic response of hull-mounted equipment in the event of underwater explosions, without having to resort to “coupled” calculations.The method, based on the calculation of so-called “transfer functions” representing the mechanical interactions in play (fluid/structure coupling and structure/structure), is presented and applied to various situations representative of shock problems (for 1D, 2D, 3D geometries)".


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