Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2266 - Year : 1995

A tool for the preliminary design of ships

D. MARS, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale (IRCN), Nantes
M. LEBRUN, Chantiers de l'Atlantique, Saint-Nazaire


In the present context, the preliminary design of ships is a critical pre-tendering step The successful achievement of this task is solely supported by the expert knowledge of the naval architect.

This paper presents a first prototype intended to give some help during the preliminary design step. It has been developed as a task of the European BRITE/EURAM research program n° 4227 named ARGOSHTP.

It has been designed to help the naval architect in finding the best compromising solution and to introduce some parts of the naval architect knowledge.

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