Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2265 - Year : 1995

Result a computer code for assessment of the ultimate strength of the hull girder

D. BEGHIN, Division Marine, Bureau Veritas
T. JASTRZEBSKI, Université de Szczecin
M. TACZALA, Université de Szczecin


The paper presents the theoretical background of a new computer code for calculation of the ultimate strength of the hull girder. This programme "RESULT' has been developed thanks to the technical co-operation between Bureau Veritas and the Technical University of Szczecin and has been included in the software "MARS" developed in 1985 by Bureau Veritas for calculation of the longitudinal structure.

The first part reminds briefly the various modes of failure which may affect ship structures, among which the collapse of the hull girder is the most dangerous one. The second part presents the methods proposed by various authors for calculation of the ultimate strength of the hull girder .

The third part describes the method considered for development of the code, which is based on the method of "components". The formulas proposed by J.M. Gordo and C. Guedes Soares are used to determine the load-shortening curves of plates and stiffeners. Results of the programme are then compared to experimental results obtained by Nishihara and Rutherford/Caldwell.

The last part of the paper presents an application of "RESULT' for assessment of the ultimate strength of a 300,OOOt deadweight double hull tanker and concludes by a presentation of the future developments of the code.

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