Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2264 - Year : 1995

Real time managing of operations relative to the inland traffic operation

A. RAGE, Service ANAST -Université de Liège
J. MARCHAL, Service ANAST -Université de Liège
S. RODRIGUEZ Y SOTELINO, Service ANAST -Université de Liège


The circumstances arisen in the European internal transport system have imposed the urgent need for its improvement. Considerable improvements could be obviously achieved though the better utilisation of the existing free capacity offred by inland navigation and shortsea shipping. In order to make these mode of transport more competitive, to engage them more in multi-modal transport chains, i.e. to enable them to become more attractive for the customers on transport market, both technical and organisational components have to be considered.

It seems that the introduction of efficient management information ex change system for inland and shortsea shipping as a part of multi-modal chain will significantly help to meet the envisaged objective.

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