Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2260 - Year : 1995

Field and limitations of integral equations methods applied to the calculation of ship motions and hydrodynamic loads

A. CARIOU, Institut de Recherches de la Construction Navale (IRCN), Nantes


IRCN carried out, as part of a selection of reliable methods for the calculation of

hydrodynamics relevant to new ship types, a synthetic state of the art about the integral equations methods applied to naval hydrodynamics. Through the story of chronological evolutions the following are gathered:

-a presentation of the natural and favourite field of application,

-a detailed critical review of the hypothesis related to this domain whatever they are explicit or implicit,

-an assessment of the relevance of these hypothesis for taking into account the hydrodynamic phenomena which are of importance for different ship types,

-a look over the advantages and difficulties related to the use of these methods,

-a commented review of the improvements since the initial limitations. And in line with this review, the mentioning of a few plausible ways of development among which the coupling

with other methods.

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