Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2255 - Year : 1995

Situation of polish shipbuilding with special consideration of Szczecin shipyard

T. JASTRZEBSKI, Dr. Ing., Directeur Adjoint, Université de Szczecin
T. GRACZYK, Dr. Ing., Chef du Département, Université de Szczecin
R. KWIDZINSKI, Ing., Directeur Technique, Chantier de Szczecin


This paper presents selected information on the general situation of the Polish shipbuilding industry taking into account the political and economical transformation having been performed in Poland for a few last years. Technical and market conditions are considered for the big and small new building and repairing shipyards. The East and West Coast Regions of the Baltic Sea are treated separately. More attention is paid to the present conditions of the main-shipyards in Gdansk, Gdynia and Szczecin. It is shown in the paper that some shipyards have successfully passed their most critical phase, but some others have rather feeble and difficult economical position in the national and international market. It is demonstrated that the Szczecin Shipyard presents the best commercial results due to its economical transformation and technical development. There is a remarkable quantity of ships under construction in the Shipyard for different owners and the Shipyard has its order book full for the next few years.

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