Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2254 - Year : 1995

Le Triomphant, first SSBN of new generation

P. QUINCHON, Ingénieur en Chef de l'Armement, Ingénieur chargé des SNLE type Le Triomphant DGA/Direction des Constructions Navales, DCN CHERBOURG


Le Triomphant, first French SSBN of new generation, is at the present time undergoing her sea trials. This submarine objectives, whether concerning her quietness, sonar or maximal depth, called for a great number of innovations in comparison with the previous generation.

The Triomphant pressure hull is made of 100 HLES high yield steel. The success of the

development and industrialization of this steel, the best in the world in that field, allow the submarine to reach a depth far greater than her predecessors.

Le Triomphant is largely made of structural composites that are covering over half the underwater hull surface.

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