Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2241 - Year : 1994

Ship structural reliability

D. BEGHIN, Direction Branche Marine, BUREAU VERITAS
J. GOYET, Direction Branche Marine, BUREAU VERITAS


After a review of the various modes of failure which may affect ship structures, the paper examines the strength criteria which are applied at the design stage to ensure the structural reliability.

Though strength criteria are given in a deterministic way, the determination of wave loads applied on the structure is based, since a long time, on a statistical approach. Recent developments in the use of probabilistic methods in civil engineering and aeronautics enable to envisage, in a near future, their use in ship design.

In a second part, the paper analyses these methods versus the share given to the probabilistic approach and examines their advantages with respect to the current deterministic approach.

An application of the semi-probabilistic approach to the determination of the hull girder section modulus is given as an example.

In the last part, the paper, examines how these probabilistic methods may be applied to verify the structural rellabll1ty of existing ships, from Information obtained at each intermediate and/or special survey, and contribute to the definition of a rational policy of Inspection-Maintenance Repair.

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