Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2234 - Year : 1994

Risk analysis methodology

J .-F. BARBET, Directeur Général de SECTOR


During the last decades, new requirements have come to light, which are linked to increasing technological growth complexity, harsh demands regarding cost and manufacturing time in a highly competitive world, and the realization that important risks are generated. These requirements cause anxiety, fear. And so this fear has initiated a new, legitimate need : to trust, and measure the trust in the new product that one is going to elaborate, operate and use.

To satisfy this new need, an industrial -and also economic and socia1 -activity has taken shape during the last few years to master risks in our societies : dependability which has become a real branch of learning based on a strict methodology and enabling the spread of a new way of life in project management and organizations.

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