Numéro : 2188 - Year : 1992
Trimarin semi-submersible ship
J.-C. NAHON, Bureau d'Etudes Mauric -Arimer
M. BOURGEOIS-GAFFIE, Direction des Recherches, Etudes et Techniques
This paper reviews the design and the hydrodynamic performance of three hull semi-submersible ship. Two possible applications are described : a patrol boat and a multi-mission offshore ship, both with helicopter capability on a 500 tons ship.
Seakeeping tank tests of the basic design are presented. Waveresistance of various hull forms and interference effects are analyzed. Variations of the relative position and geofietry of the three hulls allow important wevedrag reduction in some speed range.
The semi-submersible trimaran, compared to performing monohulls, shows a moderately higher drag in most cases. Compared to a SWATH (catamaran), the trimaran has a rather similar drag at low and medium speeds and higher drag at high speed. However due to a reduced structural weight, the trimaran offers more payload and is a higher density boat than the SWATH.
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