Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2184 - Year : 1992

AQUASTRADA: a numerical and experimental full evaluation of a new concept of mono hull in deep V

B. GALTIER, Bassin d'Essais des Carènes Chef de la division "Navires de Commerce
C. BUCCINI, Rodriquez Cantieri Navali Directeur du chantier de Messine


The ACQUASTRADA is a new ca~ and passenger ferry, designed by RODRIQUEZ CANTIERI NAVALI, offering very high performances for fast marine transportation, but remaining a ship, that is to say without foils, skirts or special devices and able to be managed and maintained like a conventional ship.

An exhaustive model test program has been performed at the BASSIN D'ESSAIS DES CARENES, first conducted with cairn water tests at different displacements and trims. Then the rough sea behaviour of the ship has been determined in a direct way for head and following seas. For beam seas, a specific experimental

procedure has been used and for other angles of encounter, the CMBS computer code has been employed.

At least, comparison on resistance and seakeeping performances between ACQUASTRADA and an alternative solution for fast transportation is given.

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