Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2115 - Year : 1990

Utilization of robotized and automatized systems in shipbuilding

R.ROMAN, Directeur du Département des Technologies, Division de la Marine Marchande FINCANTIERI CANTIERI NAVALI ITALIANI S.p.A., Trieste, Italie


The shipbuilding industry has to [ace a more and more differentiated market, and a lI1ore and more tough competition at international level. One of The steps taken by Shipyards to maintain competitiveness is represented by the mechanization of the productive activity in order to cut labour costs.

The present report describes the characteristics of the plants adopted in a Shipyard in order to reach the above aim.

The design of a mechanized line for the construction of flat panels and blocks for ships’ hulls is illustrated, and some devices, recently adopted specially for welding, are mentioned.

The report also describes experiments carried out on a plant provided with robots for the welding of plates and/or structural reinforcements on panels.

The Plant characteristics, its performances, as well as the difficulties met and the solutions adopted for the management its robots are examined, especially for what concerns self-adaptability, and the applied programming systems.

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