Numéro : 2104 - Year : 1989
Composites in military shipbuilding design or anti-mine vessels
R.BEAUGRAND, Ingénieur Principal de l'Armement
J.Y LE LAN, Ingénieur Etudes et Techniques de l'Armement , Direction des Constructions Navales de Lorient .
Composite materials preesent much importance in military shipbuilding. DCN has been developing the use of composite materials for many years and a new architecture of composite vessels was designed.
The oceanic anti-mine vessels (BAMO) that will be built in LORIENT
for the French Navy are designed according to this architecture.
The catamaran shaped hull of these vessels represents the biggest composite structure in the world and many developments and trials were necessary to achieve the construction.
DCAN of LORIENT is convinced that the use of composite materials represents the future of military shipbuilding and has made an important infrastructure for the composite construction.
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