Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2101 - Year : 1989

An approach of the calculation of the flow around sails by a method of singularities

F. MAZZOUJI, Allocataire de recherche, Laboratoire d'Etudes Aérodynamiques, ENSMA, Poitiers .
D. R RAJAONA, Docteur ès Sciences , Laboratoire a'Hydrodynamique Navale URA 1217 CNRS , ENSM,Nantes.


A method of calculating the aerodynamic pressure field around a solitary sail or a system of main sail and jib is shown. It is based on integral methods derived from a model of a three dimensional incompressible perfect stationary flow by using singularities as sources and doublets. Numerical results are shown as an illustration of the interaction between two lifting surfaces.

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