Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2025 - Year : 1987

Accueil: modelling and optimizing computer program for complex multi-parameters projects

C. VANIER, Responsable de l'Informatique Scientifique, Division Fiabilité, Société Générale de Technique et d'Etude ( SGTE)
J. F. MASSET, Ingénieur, Direction Ingénierie et Technologie, I FREMER


ACCUEIL computer program is a general tool for modelling and optimising of complex multi-parameters projects as :

-OTEC power plant (for which ACCUEIL had been developed) ;

-surface effect ship ;

-ship or plane project.

This paper presents the two benefits of this computer program :

-to ease the assembly of a global model, by integration, in the form of modules, elementary models of the different components ;

-to optimise this global model, by minimize an (or some) request aim function and give parameter sensibility.

Some examples for current projects are done.

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