Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2003 - Year : 1986

Resonance frequencies calculation of a ship beam by the mix integral equations, finite elements

H. OUDIN, Ingénieur,


We describe a method of computation of the natural frequencies of a floating structure using the coupling of the Boundarv Integrals method and of the Finite Elements method.

The fluid is assumed to be inviscid and the structure to be elastic. Moreover we make the hypothesis of little motors and little strains, therefore the equations and boundary conditions are linearized.

The hydrodynamic problem is solved by a Boundary Integrals method, the structure is idealized by a Finite Elements model. The unknowns of the fluid are evaluated in terms of the nodal displacements of the structure which leads to the matrix equation of the motion.

Certain coefficients of the matrices are frequency dependant because vie take into account the waves due to the strains of the structure, therefore the evaluation of the natural frequencies is expensive. Then we propose an algorithm to seek the frequency from which one can use an asymptotic formulation leading to matrices the coefficients of whomeare constant

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