Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1992 - Year : 1985

Dynamic computation up to high frequencies of a three dimensional beam network

M.BENICOURT, Ingénieur en Chef de l'Armement
C.DUFORET, Ingénieur Contractuel STCAN
J. C. ILGART, Ingénieur Contractuel STCAN


In his paper a method is described, which enables to find local and transfer dynamic characteristics (impedance, inertance...) function of frequency, resolving a linear system F = KX.

The connection matrice K between harmonic loading acting at the nodes of the discretized structure and the degrees of freedom of these nodes are written in complexe variable, accounting for hysteretic damping.

Timoshenko is formulation for dynamic beams is used.

Some advantages of this method :

-no more complicated discretization is required for medium and high frequencies,

-easy introduction of dimensional and connection changes in the geometry of the structure is possible. The same for added mass and various loss factors.

For a cage-shaped structure a comparaison with experiments is done.

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