Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1985 - Year : 1985

Oscillating waterwall phenomenon: an application to coastal protection against wave action.

P.GUEVEIL, Ingénieur de la Société Principia
E. LANDEL, Ingénieurs de la Société Principia
R.B0UCHET, Directeur du Service des Travaux Publics de la Principauté de Monaco
J. M. MANIONE, Chef de la Division des Travaux Maritimes de la Principauté de Monaco


A number of industrial activities, dealing with ocean engineering and navigation, would take benefit from a wave attenuation device with low manufacturing and maintenance costs, and able to resist severe weather and environmental conditions.

We shall discuss here the abilities of an immersed horizontal plate, located a few meters under the free surface.

This device, under specific conditions, produces an "oscillating water wall” phenomenon. The volume of fluid located under the plate moves back and forth, and behaves like a perfect wave reflector.

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