Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1983 - Year : 1985

A 3 D method to compute added resistance in wave

P.GUEVEL, Docteur es Sciences
J. BOUGIS, Ingénieur-Docteur Société Principia


We describe in this paper a 3D numerical approach based on the potential theory to compute the added resistance in wave of a ship using a singularity method.

The computation of the two horizontal no-linear components (surge and sway) in performed with lagally’s theorem extended to the case of a floating body using the kinematics of the linearized 3D diffraction-radiation with forward speed problem. Coupling terms with Neumann-Kelvin problem neglected thanks to approximation of slender ship.

Numerical results are compared to experimental result given by W. Beukelman, which shows good agreement.

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