Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2618 - Year : 2012

Analysis and modelling of the behaviour of glued composite joints under out of plane loading

Jean Yves COGNARD, ENSTA Bretagne, LBMS - Brest
Laurent SOHIER, Université de Brest, LBMS - Brest
Nicolas CARRERE, ENSTA Bretagne, LBMS- - Brest
Romain CREAC’HCADEC, ENSTA Bretagne, LBMS- - Brest
Peter DAVIES, IFREMER, Service Matériaux et Structures - Plouzané


The use of composite materials is a key element in energy reduction strategies, particularly in all areas of transportation. The study of the behaviour of assemblies of composites, including bonded assemblies, is of great importance. Complex 3D loadings are needed to analyse the response of both the assemblies and the composites. However, few experimental devices allow radial out-of-plane loading to be studied, except by using thick composite specimens which are not always representative of industrial applications. This paper describes an experimental device, using a modified Arcan test, an optimized hybrid bonded assembly, which limits the influence of edge effects. Some test results, showing the potential of the approach, are presented in the form of failure envelope curves for radial out-of-plane loadings. Some out of plane tensile cycling test results with different positive load ratios are also given.

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