Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1932 - Year : 1983

Some problems of naval hydrodynamics viewed in the light of the theory of energy production of waves

D.C. HONG, Docteur Ingénieur, Laboratoire d'hydrodynamique Navale ENSM, Nantes


The theories developed to optimise the functioning of wave energy devices of the "oscillating float ' type lead to increased knowledge which goes well beyond the narrow domain of energy production by waves.

In particular the general expression for the energy transmitted from waves to a floating device may be exploited with advantage to give an energetic interpretation of the functiannning of several ocean structures.

In this presentation the following examples are chosen far the development:

We shall also mention other examples for which the theory of energy production from waves can be used with advantage : wave generators which do not need beach dampers behind them, wave generators of absorbing type (SALTER licence), floating breakwaters, and ships with perforated ballasts.

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