Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 1926 - Year : 1983

Movement and extension of an oil sheet poured at sea

S. SCORY, Ingénieur de recherche -UGMM
A. LEJEUNE, Docteur Ingénieur Professeur LHCH , Université de Liège
Y. ADAM, Docteur Ingénieur-UGMM


The present study aims at developing a mathematical diction and evolution of oil slicks on the sea surface. count the transport of the mass centre under the action and waves.

In the same time is studied the effect of the spreading, influenced by five forces: the two driving forces of gravity and surface tension and the three restraining forces of inertia, water-oil interface viscosity and internal viscosity.

Lastly, the equations governing the evolution of the physico-chemical characteristics of the oil slicks are included in the computations. The results of the developed numerical model are compared to the real case of the Ekofisk Bravo Platform spilling on 1977.04.22.

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