Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1920 - Year : 1983

Compressor response to periodical pressure fluctuations in outlet section

J. PAULON, Ingénieur Chef de Groupe, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales


A theoretical and experimental study has been undertaken on an axial compressor with high hub to tip ratio and moderated speed of rotation. The compressor mass flow is modulated at the outlet of the down~ stream diffuser. High frequency pressure transducers, at the inlet and at the outlet of the compressor, give the evolution of low amplitude perturbations generated for the modulation system.

The treatment and the analysis of recorded signals permit to obtain a transfer function which is compared to the result of a theoretical modelling.

The comparison between theory and experiment is generally satisfactory.

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