Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 1904 - Year : 1982

Research and innovation in the maritime sector: where put the efforts?

E.ISPHORDING, Ingénieur en Chef de l'Armement Adjoint au Chef du Service de l'Equipement Naval
A. DUCLAY, Ingénieur Civil du Génie Maritime Bureau Recherche, Développement, Innovation Direction de la Flotte de Commerce Ministère de la mer
A. MORCHEOINE, Ingénieur Civil du Génie Maritime Chef de la Division Entreprises de Transport Agence pour les Economies d'Energie


Within the leading themes of energy savings and new modes in marine technology, a think tank of experts has been established by the French Ministry of Research and Technology to pinpoint and assess the efforts to be promoted and developed in the future, as a contribution to a coming national R&D bill to be addressed to the National Assembly.

The paper constitutes a preliminary fact finding and recommendation draft prior to the final report.

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