Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 1902 - Year : 1982

Recovery of the Juan A. Lavalleja

M.ROLLAND, Directeur de Production
R. STALICHIS, Ingénieur Méthodes Chantiers Navals de La Ciotat


Chantiers Navals de La Ciotat have shown with the important repair performed on the oil tanker "JUAN A. LAVALLEJA" their capacities to achieve the most original and the most sophisticated operations in the field of big ship repairs.

As a matter of fact, the dry docking inspection revealed an apocalyptic vision of the ship whose bottoms were reduced to waste with an entanglement of scraps torn off and crumpled up like paper.

This special reconditioning has necessitated the development of a specific method requiring all the means of organization of the yard (design, work preparation and coordination, personnel qualification, safety) to complete successfully such an operation within a short redelivery time.

The projection of a film, with comments, illustrates the various steps of this repair whose technical details are exposed in this report.

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