Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2608 - Year : 2011

Numerical tool for basic design appraisal of ice-going vessels

Alexey DUDAL, BUREAU VERITAS - Division Marine
Pierre BESSE, BUREAU VERITAS - Division Marine
Vladimir YAKIMOV, St-Petersburg State Marine Technical University
Vladimir TRYASKIN, St-Petersburg State Marine Technical University


The global warming results in active developments of huge reserves of hydrocarbons north of the Arctic Circle and clears the Northern Sea Route and the Northwestern Passage for year-round navigation. The benefits of the Arctic provoke keen interest of world leading shipping and oil/gas producing companies. However the northern region is still covered by ice, ridges, icebergs, etc. The ice features are the main challenges for shipping activities in northern seas of Arctic region.

Therefore the active navigation in arctic seas, new types of the ice-going vessels and especially demands for large tonnage ice-going ships requires developments of new tools to ensure safety of humans’ lives, vessels, cargos and vulnerable Arctic environment. Nowadays various regulations verify design of ice strengthened vessels and provide safety of ice navigation. These regulations include Classification Societies rules, international codes and standards which are based on a general approach to a problem of ice load determination for all types of vessels. Application of common approach for new types and lager tonnage oil tankers or LNG carriers can result in accidents. Therefore the basic design appraisal requires new tools. Bureau Veritas in cooperation with STMU developed new software for direct analysis of hull structure strength. The main goal of the development is a direct calculation of ice loads exerted on ship hull, accounting for ice features, analysis of possible ship and ice interaction scenarios, ship hull geometry and ice mechanical properties, in order to determine a safe ice navigation speed.

The paper includes a description of the theoretical models and of the software. The results of an extensive validation campaign on fleet of aged ships are presented, as well as examples illustrating the application of the software.

This paper is written in English


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