Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2598 - Year : 2011

New development in towing tank facility for naval platforms

Didier FRECHOU, DGA Techniques Hydrodynamiques
Pierre COPEAUX, DGA Techniques Hydrodynamiques
Marc DARQUIER, DGA Techniques Hydrodynamiques
Olivier PERELMAN, DGA Techniques Hydrodynamiques


In early 2000, the French marine institute, DGA Hydrodynamics, built a new towing tank facility, named « Emile Barrillon », which is dedicated to physical simulation on large scale models of naval platforms. This paper presents the main performances of the facility (length of 545m, depth of 7m and width of 15m) and the developments on towing equipments and measuring techniques which have been undertaken so far. In a first step, the performances of the tank, the wave generator and the carriage are presented. Then we focused on the towing equipments dedicated to captive model tests of surface ship and submarine. Finally, we detailed the new measurement techniques that have been developed: 6 components forces dynamometer, shaft integrated thrust and torque sensor, optical technique for wave height measurement and for motion capture, flow field 3 components velocimeter, ship wave measurement technique… The new capacities issued from those developments are directly integrated in the operating process of the tank when used for propulsion, seakeeping and manoeuvring model testing.

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