Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2591 - Year : 2010

Latest developments on man diesel alpha propellers

M. MORTEN, MAN Diesel Propulsion System
G. RASCH, MAN Diesel Propulsion System


This paper introduces the range of production of the MAN Diesel propulsion systems, including gear boxes , shaftings and propellers. A quick introduction of the propeller technology is done : CP propellers , blades , nozzles. Then the presentation focuses on improvement tools for better efficiency of the propulsion. A review of various influencing parameters is done and various examples are shown both on the theoretical as well as on real results for instance on: Costa Bulb, Asymmetric rudder, Kappel Propeller, Propeller with nozzle, Contra-rotating propellers

Summary and text not available - Only slides in English available in: Free of charge papers


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