Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : B-79 - Year : 1979

Bulletin de l'Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique. Numéro 79. Session de 1979

1830 - Conference on the Marine Nationale at the end of the century

1831 - Methods for the calculation of ship accompanying waves

1832 - Calculation of the wave resistance of ships with the help of a singularity method

1833 - Wave action upon slender floating body at Froude zero in finite depth water

1834 - Risk of slamming estimation by calculations

1835 - Full scale thrust measurement

1836 - Ship vibration: nature and damping impact

1837 - The polyvalent ship

1838 - Optimum characteristics of a polyvalent ship

1839 - Antipollution on board ships - Incineration, the total solution

1840 - Use of fluidised bed combustion on a superheated steam at 125 Bar 602°C

1841 - Riprap protection of submarine pipes

1842 - Intervention system against marine oil pollution fighting

1843 - Approach of compressible flow in turboengines by an axisymmetrical calculation method

1844 - Experimental analysis methods for unsteady flows in turboengines

1845 - Aerodynamic interaction of jets into a subsonic cross-flow

1846 - Heat convection on a full coverage film cooled flat plate

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