Numéro : B-68 - Year : 1968
Bulletin de l'Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique. Numéro 68. Session de 1968
1518 - Emile Barrillon [1879-196])
1519 - Louis Meyer [1903-1968]
1519bis - André Audige [1905-1968]
1520 - Will the international conference of 1969 produce a rational system of tonnage measurement?
1521 - Facilities and research works for high speed hydrodynamics at the centre for aerodynamics and thermal studies at Poitiers
1522 - Calculation and design of supercaviting propellers
1523 - Theoretical and experimental investigations of a finite span ventilated hydrofoil with strut
1524 - Precision of gaseous mass flow rate measurement by the sonic throat method
1525 - The free model of a submarine of the Bassin d'Essais des Carènes
1526 - About the origins of some failures of propeller shafts of active rudders
1527 - The shell theory out of the elastic domain
1528 - Possible applications of computerized management in a building and repair shipyard.
1529 - Shipbuilding construction method in two blocks
1530 - New building method for hulls and big resisting structures with synthetic materials
1531 - The N 300 hovercraft, multiskirt air cushion vehicle: principle, design, construction
1532 - Helicopter seaworthiness design problems: trials at sea and comparison with tests on model - Improvement of the seaworthiness on an amphibian helicopter
1533 - The problem of operating helicopter from small ships
1534 - Ducted rotors, methods used at Nord-Aviation
1535 - Propulsion systems for Mach 0 to Mach 7 aircraft
1536 - Stella recognition system
1537 - Optimization of cellular type container ships
1538 - Construction techniques for methane-carriers
1539 - The design and development of membrane tank technique for transporting liquefied natural gas
1540 - Contribution to the cold and hot forming of plates of Maraging 18% nickel steel
1541 - Determination of the efficiency of a bracket by the theory of plasticity
1542 - Finite elements method for the calculation of the hull girder vibrations
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