Numéro : B-54 - Year : 1955
Bulletin de l'Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique. Numéro 54. Session de 1955
1107 - Atomic Energy and propulsion of ships. Situation, difficulties and prospects
1108 - The combined liner
1109 - The problems of the maritime radionavigation and air navigation
1110 - "Electronic equipment of the ""Super-Constellation"" ong-haul aircraft of Air France"
1111 - The merchant marine radar
1112 - Maritime location short-range radio-electric processes
1113 - A new method of measuring the pitch of a propeller
1114 - River tests of the self-propelled inland navigation ships
1115 - Considerations on the optimum diameter of propellers
1116 - The curvature induced of thin wings
1117 - Application of induced curvature in the design of the marine propellers
1118 - Study at sea of the resistance and propulsion. Comparison with the model
1119 - Some interesting applications of the lineage by projection apparatus
1120 - Some thoughts on residual tensions
1121 - Remarks on torch cutting of cans
1122 - The flexibility of the shafts and its consequences on the overall curvature of the shaft lines, load levels and degrees of flexion load
1123 - Contribution to the process technology of reloading of metal surfaces by projection using the gun metallizer
1124 - Comparative study of cargo ships. The engine power
1125 - Pollution of the seas and shipbuilding
1126 - Follow-up study of the measures of strains in the transverse walls built in wavy plates with vertical folds
1127 - Possible confusion between the air traffic and the maritime signals
1128 - Towards an international gauge
1129 - "Establishment of a perforated shield wall for ships to dock. 1- "General Considerations and aerodynamic studies". 2- "Description of the screen built on the long side of the hangar at the port of Marseilles"
1130 - Calculation of the tensions in the thin bottom of tanks reinforced or not with uniform normal pressure
1131 - Regularization of the stresses and strains in a reinforced cylindrical axisymetric envelope under uniform normal pressure
1132 - Study of the cracks appeared in the aft of a cargo ship in service
1133 - Study of resistance to cyclical torsion of a few assemblies of shafts
1134 - On the systematic fractures observed on the aft of some self-moving barges
1135 - The cell materials based on polyurethanes
1136 - Relaxation of methods of study of the longitudinal stability of the aircraft
1137 - Hypersustentation and control of the aircraft by traffic control
1138 - The Navy testing station of turbines at Indret
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