Numéro : B-46 - Year : 1947
Bulletin de l'Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique. Numéro 46. Session de 1947
852 - Léon Guillet (1873-1946)
853 - Léon Guillet (1873-1946)
854 - The choice of the dimensions in a torpedo boat project
855 - Determination of the accuracy and the stability of the servos
856 - The naval air force
857 - Introduction to dimensional doctrines
858 - Vertical vibrations of the ship
859 - The interactions between the hull and the propeller
860 - Results obtained at sea with cavitating propellers
861 - Current state of research on gyration at the Bassin d'Essais des carènes
862 - Concentration of efforts around holes in a plate
863 - On the distribution of the tensions around a circular opening
864 - Experimental research on fatigue of the wedges in the slots of the hub shafts
865 - On a few progressive cracking breaks on outer shafts
866 - Buckling, elastic strain not proportional to the load - application to the crooked bottles - analogies between buckling and vibration
867 - Study of deformation and internal tensions of the pipes with flat mean line, subject to external forces and internal pressure
868 - The defense of the ship against fire - birth and spread of the fire on board
869 - Progress in marine paintings since 1939
870 - The drydocking of La Seine and La Saône tankers
871 - Use of U.S. mineral grease for the launches of ships
872 - Use of modern wood construction and of light engines in the construction of small units of the Navy
873 - Calculation of deformations and the fatigues of a lateral keel of a seaplane
874 - Magnetic field on board - New process for compensation - Application to a compass plane - views of the future on the magnetic compass,
875 - Study of a new type of crankshaft for radial engines
876 - Compared ranges of helicopters with various types of engines
877 - Experimental method of searching for the maximum weight conveyable under a given slope - Definition of the high lift coefficient
878 - Method of calculation of flanges welded for superheated steam
879 - Blades design for fluids with slightly variable density
880 - Some thoughts on the gas turbine, especially its application to marine propulsion
881 - Looking for some clarifications in the definitions and applications of the principles of thermodynamics
882 - The optimum heat exchanger
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